There are several advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that if she gets a job here, she does not have to be under the sponsorship of the company. Secondly,she can come into Qatar and leave the country when she wills as long as her ID is valid and she does not stay out of Qatar for more than six months. The disadvantage is that if the husband loses his job and is given an exit by his company, she will also have to leave along with him.
There are several advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that if she gets a job here, she does not have to be under the sponsorship of the company. Secondly,she can come into Qatar and leave the country when she wills as long as her ID is valid and she does not stay out of Qatar for more than six months. The disadvantage is that if the husband loses his job and is given an exit by his company, she will also have to leave along with him.
Trust this information is helpful.