Nice guys. You're still in touch with a few.
Miserable bastards. They'll get their comeuppance one day.
Missing in action. They never leave forwarding addresses.
2. You're on a first date with a handsome man who tells great jokes and asks you thoughtful questions. After he walks you to your doorstep, he says he'd love to see you again. You're:
Delighted, of course!
Momentarily elated, then panic-stricken.
Wondering what your kids would look like.
3. When you meet your single women friends for a drink, you usually:
Sit at the bar. Sometimes you'll chat with the people sitting nearby or play a game of pool.
Find a nice, quiet table in the corner, where you can chat and catch up.
Survey the place for attractive, unattached men. If no one sees anyone intriguing, then you move on to the next place.
4. When you get a wedding invitation, you think:
"I think I'll wear my red silk dress."
"Oh no! I've only got seven months to find a date!"
"I hope my ex isn't going."
5. After work, you're most likely to be found:
Zonked out in front of the television.
Having dinner with friends.
Talking to your shrink about why you can't find a relationship.
6. At parties, you:
Introduce yourself to people you don't know.
Ask the hostess who the single men are, and then focus on them.
Spend most of your time talking to friends and acquaintances.
7. You've gone on several dates with a nice man. You send him an e-mail asking if he'd like to get together soon, and he says he's been really busy with work. This means...
He's blowing you off.
He's busy with work. So you decide to make him a home-cooked meal and bring it to his office.
You have no idea. But the ball's in his court, so you'll just have to wait and see.
8. When you find yourself spending the weekend alone, you usually:
Find some kind of project, like repainting the kitchen or tinkering with your screenplay.
Bury yourself in ice cream and cable TV.
Log onto an Internet dating service and see if you can find a man for Saturday night.
9. Complete this phrase. A woman needs a man like:
A fish needs a bicycle.
A man needs a woman.
A fish needs water.
10. Committing yourself to one person for life sounds:
1. In general, your ex-boyfriends are:
Nice guys. You're still in touch with a few.
Miserable bastards. They'll get their comeuppance one day.
Missing in action. They never leave forwarding addresses.
2. You're on a first date with a handsome man who tells great jokes and asks you thoughtful questions. After he walks you to your doorstep, he says he'd love to see you again. You're:
Delighted, of course!
Momentarily elated, then panic-stricken.
Wondering what your kids would look like.
3. When you meet your single women friends for a drink, you usually:
Sit at the bar. Sometimes you'll chat with the people sitting nearby or play a game of pool.
Find a nice, quiet table in the corner, where you can chat and catch up.
Survey the place for attractive, unattached men. If no one sees anyone intriguing, then you move on to the next place.
4. When you get a wedding invitation, you think:
"I think I'll wear my red silk dress."
"Oh no! I've only got seven months to find a date!"
"I hope my ex isn't going."
5. After work, you're most likely to be found:
Zonked out in front of the television.
Having dinner with friends.
Talking to your shrink about why you can't find a relationship.
6. At parties, you:
Introduce yourself to people you don't know.
Ask the hostess who the single men are, and then focus on them.
Spend most of your time talking to friends and acquaintances.
7. You've gone on several dates with a nice man. You send him an e-mail asking if he'd like to get together soon, and he says he's been really busy with work. This means...
He's blowing you off.
He's busy with work. So you decide to make him a home-cooked meal and bring it to his office.
You have no idea. But the ball's in his court, so you'll just have to wait and see.
8. When you find yourself spending the weekend alone, you usually:
Find some kind of project, like repainting the kitchen or tinkering with your screenplay.
Bury yourself in ice cream and cable TV.
Log onto an Internet dating service and see if you can find a man for Saturday night.
9. Complete this phrase. A woman needs a man like:
A fish needs a bicycle.
A man needs a woman.
A fish needs water.
10. Committing yourself to one person for life sounds:
Like a mixed blessing. Heavenly. Terrifying