It is advisable to clear the matter while you are still here. The money is yours when it is only in your pocket! Possibly, if you speak to some one in the management and explain your situation, he may be able to assist you. While your bank is providing you the facility of withdrawing the amount in your country, you may face some difficulties there which you may be currently unaware of. I suggest you write a letter to the bank to transfer the entire amount to your bank account in your country through bank to bank transfer after the 43-day period. They will take a small charge for this, but you will get your money at home.
It is advisable to clear the matter while you are still here. The money is yours when it is only in your pocket! Possibly, if you speak to some one in the management and explain your situation, he may be able to assist you. While your bank is providing you the facility of withdrawing the amount in your country, you may face some difficulties there which you may be currently unaware of. I suggest you write a letter to the bank to transfer the entire amount to your bank account in your country through bank to bank transfer after the 43-day period. They will take a small charge for this, but you will get your money at home.