There are some good 24 Hrs pharmacies which has most of items and they have good customer service :
1. Kulud Pharmacy in Markhia 24 hours Tel: 44877784
2. Kulud Mesaimeer Pharmacy 24 hours Tel: 44699394
3. Kulud Al Khor Pharmacy 24 hours Tel: 44720192
4. Khalid Pharmacy in Wakra 24 hours Tel: 44644866
5. Hayat Pharmacy in Najma 24 hours Tel: 44351165
and there is another 3 pharmacies in Qatar for kulud chain of pharmacies 24/7.
There are some good 24 Hrs pharmacies which has most of items and they have good customer service :
1. Kulud Pharmacy in Markhia 24 hours Tel: 44877784
2. Kulud Mesaimeer Pharmacy 24 hours Tel: 44699394
3. Kulud Al Khor Pharmacy 24 hours Tel: 44720192
4. Khalid Pharmacy in Wakra 24 hours Tel: 44644866
5. Hayat Pharmacy in Najma 24 hours Tel: 44351165
and there is another 3 pharmacies in Qatar for kulud chain of pharmacies 24/7.