ok this is the score
In many countries the capital city is a nightmare... what you do is get out straight away and go to the second city.
Great example is Guatemala...second city: Antigua is divine.
The only capital city i have been to in Asia that I really like is Rangoon.
My fav capital city in Africa is Asmara and I do love Maputo and Windhoek is fine but some of the others... can be a culture shock.
I know loads of people who have been on hols to the Phillipines and to some island and just dont stop raving about the place.
I think this maybe Ben's first trip to somewhere with these social/economic issues and it can be shocking.
ok this is the score
In many countries the capital city is a nightmare... what you do is get out straight away and go to the second city.
Great example is Guatemala...second city: Antigua is divine.
The only capital city i have been to in Asia that I really like is Rangoon.
My fav capital city in Africa is Asmara and I do love Maputo and Windhoek is fine but some of the others... can be a culture shock.
I know loads of people who have been on hols to the Phillipines and to some island and just dont stop raving about the place.
I think this maybe Ben's first trip to somewhere with these social/economic issues and it can be shocking.