The dealership name is Ahmad Aluthman & Bros. Phone number is 44423507/8. They are on Salwa road yes. Coming from the Ramada signal, they are on the left hand side of the road. You need to take a u-turn at one of the later signals, I forget which one exactly. There is no huge Pioneer signboard and just a smaller signboard with the dealer's name; so pay attention. Best of luck:-)
The dealership name is Ahmad Aluthman & Bros. Phone number is 44423507/8. They are on Salwa road yes. Coming from the Ramada signal, they are on the left hand side of the road. You need to take a u-turn at one of the later signals, I forget which one exactly. There is no huge Pioneer signboard and just a smaller signboard with the dealer's name; so pay attention. Best of luck:-)