understand that but a VB or C# programmer :) There is nothing wrong with this, I was just wondering what happened to that extreme MALE humiliation and bashing wave that hit QL for almost one week ...

So sad how people can be sometimes unfair, consider a joke thread a problem ... a serious topic like the previous threads nothing but practicing their right in posting whatever they feel like posting, whatever they like to post ... even if it does not make sense at all ...

There is no better, all are the same ... Male, Female ... god created both needing each other ... Something that only HIM got the wisdom behind it ...

If we Males and Females will act bad like that then it is our own problem, fix yourself, look around and you will know why your woman is acting wrongly ... why your man is acting like a jerk ...

Peace ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)