For UK beggars, tell the lazy bar-stewards to get a feckin job.
For Qatar beggars, if you don't speak Arabic, give them a backhander, show them the hairy side of your hand, a hoof in the chugs, a bunch of fives in the kisser, a knuckle sandwich in the fizzog.
That usually overcomes the language barrier
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. - Homer Simpson
For UK beggars, tell the lazy bar-stewards to get a feckin job.
For Qatar beggars, if you don't speak Arabic, give them a backhander, show them the hairy side of your hand, a hoof in the chugs, a bunch of fives in the kisser, a knuckle sandwich in the fizzog.
That usually overcomes the language barrier
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. - Homer Simpson