You don't have to pay anything because you are under company sponsorship they pay the fine
your QID date is the same date when u enter in Qatar but if ur company doing this late they put the same date for example.your date is 25/2/2013 but ur visa stamp on 03/06/2013 ur QID date is 3/03/2013.and ur QID expire on 3/03/2014 after that date u change ur sponsership.i think you may be understand some what
You don't have to pay anything because you are under company sponsorship they pay the fine
your QID date is the same date when u enter in Qatar but if ur company doing this late they put the same date for example.your date is 25/2/2013 but ur visa stamp on 03/06/2013 ur QID date is 3/03/2013.and ur QID expire on 3/03/2014 after that date u change ur sponsership.i think you may be understand some what