Thanks a lot for very useful information. Can you also put some light on the below mentioned queries;
1)- Is it possible to send "money" online from the bank to other countries, for example in my case - Pakistan -
2)- Is 500~700 USD per month enough for a 2 ~ 3 years old kid's education (playgroup etc).
3)- Is there any concept of hiring a driver for a personal car on monthly rates? If so, what are the general rates?
4)- Is there any online shopping site (for various types of stuff) like Ebay/Ebuyer etc.
5)- What sort of Car (brand new) I can buy in a budget of 50,000 QAR?
Hi Guys,
Thanks a lot for very useful information. Can you also put some light on the below mentioned queries;
1)- Is it possible to send "money" online from the bank to other countries, for example in my case - Pakistan -
2)- Is 500~700 USD per month enough for a 2 ~ 3 years old kid's education (playgroup etc).
3)- Is there any concept of hiring a driver for a personal car on monthly rates? If so, what are the general rates?
4)- Is there any online shopping site (for various types of stuff) like Ebay/Ebuyer etc.
5)- What sort of Car (brand new) I can buy in a budget of 50,000 QAR?
Would appreciate comments inshallah.