
in europe we have either ready made units, usually consisting of 1 optical sensor, 1 low sensor to protect sump pump and 1 alarm sensor for over flow.
The actual pump that adds the fresh water is one 12V pump, found as camping or boat accessory. All you need is a 12V supply and a sensor that is capable of driving the pump.

My sump designs usually have one chamber for the top off water, connected via a U-pipe that reaches over the dividing wall in to the sump chamber. Just make sure the U-pipe does not go down very far, or you will syphon all the fresh water out of the chamber after the first activation of the pump. It will just keep flowing until there is no water left :-)... a small hole drilled in the pipe can do the trick too, air will be sucked in once the pump stops and the flow will come to a end.

I wish I could get a dosing pump here in Doha... the ones for pools are just way to expensive... but that is another story and I would love to use it for my lime water.
