You can send through UBL to your bank account in Pakistan. It usually takes 2 to 3 working days to have your account credited in Pakistan. UBL has branch at Ain Khalid which operates during evening hours 4 to 7 PM only for remittance purposes. The exchange rate of UBL is better than others. Also, for transfers to Pakistan, there is no remittance fee. For further information you can contact them during morning hours at 44254422, 44254450.
You can send through UBL to your bank account in Pakistan. It usually takes 2 to 3 working days to have your account credited in Pakistan. UBL has branch at Ain Khalid which operates during evening hours 4 to 7 PM only for remittance purposes. The exchange rate of UBL is better than others. Also, for transfers to Pakistan, there is no remittance fee. For further information you can contact them during morning hours at 44254422, 44254450.