Looking for an Executive Vacancy?
Executives Online is successful at delivering fast-track executive resourcing to its clients precisely because of the quality of our global talent bank, which is our network of candidates like you.
The roles we fill for our clients are at a senior level and our clients are looking for experienced executives whose corporate and independent careers show a strong track record of delivering results. We do not usually take on interim roles for which the candidate day rate is under 700 QAR or permanent roles for which the annual salary is below 200,000 QAR. It is thus important that candidates are experienced executives who have achieved this level of remuneration in their careers before approaching us to register.
To register as a candidate, please register online. If you have already registered with us and want to update the information we have about you or send an updated CV, please login to your personal profile and make the necessary changes.
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you in the future.