tigasin it used to happen 2 me when i get stressed for nothing. beleive me getting sleep is just a game of mind. first u instruct your mind that by huk crk u gonna slp tonight, create a desire to sleep. take a warm water bath.daily stick to a particular time to go to bed. make it as habit. avoid cigrt/liqur prior to bed. wear light cloths. onc u r in bed, reapeat in u r mind that u r falling sleep. dnt let it wander. just reapeat ... say i am falling sleep...just keep saying it..once u make u r mind that it falling sleep..bythe time u will be in deep sleep...dnt forgt to chang u r bedsht and pillow cover..remov unwanted things frm u r bed...i sm sure it will work after all its ur sleep, if u realy want u can easily sleep...just do it.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.