Hello everyone!

I appreciate all your advice. You are all sleeping now and I just got home from work. Every day is one day closer to Doha! I'm still a bit nervous but definitely want to use the Al Maha service. I think that will take some of the stress off me. Comes highly recommended so I will let him know to book it.

I have read lots on the internet about Western women and Eastern men and I must say 90% + has been negative. It really got me scared the last couple of days. However, I talk to this man every day and he has always done everything he has said he would do for me. He lets me know daily how much I mean to him. I have to trust him. He has no reason to lie to me. He has no plans to live in the states, at least not anytime in the next few years. He hasn't tried to sugarcoat anything. He has told me it's very different and that I have to make the decision on my own. We have talked about religion and his beliefs and the way he was raised and what he expects. He has said many times he doesn't want me to change that he loves who I am the way I am and that's what drew him to me. If I let the negative writings from the internet scare me and make me negative, I will loose him. I cannot put him in a category with other men who have lied and mistreated women. I would not want him to do the same to me. I want him to accept me for me and trust me to be what I say. He is the first man I have ever met where I don't feel like I am being lied to. I really trust him with everything. My instincts are almost always right with anything i've faced in life.

I will continue to discuss with all of you as I appreciate all your advice. Like anywhere, there are good and bad people in the world and we can't go through life not being able to trust anyone due to past experiences. Everyone is an individual.

Thanks again everyone and keep positive energy flowing my way!


Give a little love and it all comes back to you!