normally majority of women after getting married they feel more stress which I think is the major cause of gaining weight for anyone man or woman !
Another major impact for women is having babies.. during pregnancy they gain 5 - 7 stones due to taking extra food and medicines and after delivery they hardly reduce 1 - 2 stones ! then after delivering a baby they become more responsible and less time for themselves ...

I don't think so that eating proper home food (not junk foods) will impact on the body ! if your diet is good your body will remain fit. This formula fits on single ladies .. if a single woman gets stress then her chances for gaining weight are high
But as i said for married women, the lifestyle is different therefore they gain weight quickly due to stress and pregnancy !
One more reason what i understand is woman before marriage tries to maintain her body but after marriage she forgets since she knows that her body is for her partner only and she don't really care for others as she used be before marriage !
This is my observations could be wrong in some cases :-)
