That is correct. I don't know much more about their situation. I think they entered illegally initially. Qatar is happy for them to stay. They attend local schools etc and have healthcare available to them. But Qatar wants them to obtain a paassport from where they originally came from.
In other countries they would be classed as illegal immigrants and probably deported (thinking US, UK, etc)
That is correct. I don't know much more about their situation. I think they entered illegally initially. Qatar is happy for them to stay. They attend local schools etc and have healthcare available to them. But Qatar wants them to obtain a paassport from where they originally came from.
In other countries they would be classed as illegal immigrants and probably deported (thinking US, UK, etc)
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________