Nov, I'll answer your question. If Qatari marries a non-Qatari, then she can apply for nationality. If a Qatari woman (Qataria) marries a non-Qatari then he will not usually be granted nationality. The children of this union will not be Qatari. They must assume their Father's nationality. This is a source of much discontent amongst Qatarias and many are speaking up about this issue. Inshallah their situation will change favourably. It is being looked into currently by the government and the Human rights committee.
Nov, I'll answer your question. If Qatari marries a non-Qatari, then she can apply for nationality. If a Qatari woman (Qataria) marries a non-Qatari then he will not usually be granted nationality. The children of this union will not be Qatari. They must assume their Father's nationality. This is a source of much discontent amongst Qatarias and many are speaking up about this issue. Inshallah their situation will change favourably. It is being looked into currently by the government and the Human rights committee.
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