surely they have their right in every where in GCC and Egypt as well.
in GCC, they treat the woment in the best way of this era and they are good for woman and entire familly.
if you sister in Egypt, she can get her wright if she go to the right place or right people.
just tell from which nationality you are and ur sister? and how she married him in which way?.
hope some thing good happen for her and Allah will help her.
surely they have their right in every where in GCC and Egypt as well.
in GCC, they treat the woment in the best way of this era and they are good for woman and entire familly.
if you sister in Egypt, she can get her wright if she go to the right place or right people.
just tell from which nationality you are and ur sister? and how she married him in which way?.
hope some thing good happen for her and Allah will help her.