I thought about getting a villa when i moved here and the thought of looking for these facilities outside made me change my mind and opted for an apartment (Beverly Hills) which has them all. It's about a grand or two more expensive but it is fully furnished, gym, sauna 3 different jacuzi, steam room and swimming pool. Kinda evens out if you consider what it would cost you to join a gym/club and put a value on the energy you spend waking up traveling back and forth.
I thought about getting a villa when i moved here and the thought of looking for these facilities outside made me change my mind and opted for an apartment (Beverly Hills) which has them all. It's about a grand or two more expensive but it is fully furnished, gym, sauna 3 different jacuzi, steam room and swimming pool. Kinda evens out if you consider what it would cost you to join a gym/club and put a value on the energy you spend waking up traveling back and forth.