salamwalekum, try to put islamic names for your kids as names plays an important role for developing personality of children.
If you put islamic names like Abdulrahman / Abdullah ............for boy and Aisha / Zainab ...................such names for girl inshaallah they will have more eagerness towards islam. I have personal experience my son name is Abdulrahman and since he was 2 months you wont beleive he gets up in fajr with the azan.
salamwalekum, try to put islamic names for your kids as names plays an important role for developing personality of children.
If you put islamic names like Abdulrahman / Abdullah ............for boy and Aisha / Zainab ...................such names for girl inshaallah they will have more eagerness towards islam. I have personal experience my son name is Abdulrahman and since he was 2 months you wont beleive he gets up in fajr with the azan.
Mabrook and safe delivery