down to their level or take them even seriously .. you know that these people have nothing to do but creating issues between others.

For so many times ... we are all the same and no one got the right to generalize anything as the good and bad is common among all nationalities. There is no way that one nation can be good as well as the other would totally be bad.


Some people got hang-ups in their lives and would start looking for anything to do or say just to give a bad image about some people that they did not aknowldege them for some reasons. Instead of being fair to the others and honest with themselves why such things happen, they go for these cheap methods to create conflicts.


In the end it is a matter of choice, everyone got the right to choose the right person for him/her. If I will see that my happiness would be that way in loving a filipina as my wife, why should the others be bothered?

It is my choice and if there is something bothering you then keep it foryourself as I don't care about what do you think of others if you are blind and unfair and always looking to the dark part to get to people.


I'm just wondering, if you can't see the difference between someone who really loves you, care about you and someone else who is using you or taking advantage ... what kind of idiot would that make you?

In the end your choice, your problem ... so please ... let the people alone and don't open such threads ... got a lot here to say but ... sigh ... some people will be absent for how many months, maybe years and would come back to do nothing but to continue what did they started before ... creating trouble ...

One last thing ... every container is floaded with what is inside ...


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)