I agree.  Queen certainly set the bar high when it comes to music.  You don't see many bands that offer the same complex dynamics with life as these guys back then.  I think music is alive, because it certainly influences people, it makes folks feel a certain way--that's why it has life.  Queen also is a good example that greatness is not gender specific, or both combined.  Good choice buddy!


I like too many to list.  I am kinda hooked on music, can't work without it.  Very quicly comes in mind; I think about the song HOME, by Michael Bubble'


It talks about what I feel when Im away from dreamandsmile, makes me feel like

 "I've been keepin all my letters that I wrote to you,

each one a line or two, to say baby I love you.

I would send them but I know that its just not enough

My words are cold in flight, and you deserve more....than that."


Man, I hope I get a bonus when she reads this.Wink