Darude, chill. It's no big deal. So what if a few users leave QL and go somewhere else ? There's more than enough regulars and people who love QL to keep it going, and ofcourse Qatari's hard work hasn't gone to waste, look at all the good things that have come out of this wonderful website. I don't see anything wrong if someone chooses to leave QL or if someone suggests leaving to others. They're free to do what they want, aren't they ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Darude, chill. It's no big deal. So what if a few users leave QL and go somewhere else ? There's more than enough regulars and people who love QL to keep it going, and ofcourse Qatari's hard work hasn't gone to waste, look at all the good things that have come out of this wonderful website. I don't see anything wrong if someone chooses to leave QL or if someone suggests leaving to others. They're free to do what they want, aren't they ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield