I call it Outer Work
because it involves conscious acts of doing. This tool is doing
conscious acts of kindness for yourself, others and your
environment. Here are things to do:
For Yourself:

• Going to bed early
• Not answering the phone at night
• Turning off the TV and reading inspiring books instead
• Meditating
• Taking soaking baths
• Watching inspiring videos from the Spiritual Cinema Club

For Others:

• Offer to baby-sit for a
neighbor's children so they can take a break from parenting.
• Hide love notes in your children’s lunches or your
partner’s pockets.
• Send a letter to a teacher or minister letting them know
what a difference their acts of kindness made in your life.
• Make an anonymous donation to a person or local charity
• Start a fund-raising drive for a worthy cause (Ryan’s
• Organize your friends or work mates to gather used
clothing and give it to homeless shelters.
• Ask your children to go through their toys and donate some
of them to children who are less fortunate.
• When someone new moves into your neighborhood, bake some
cookies and go over and welcome them to the neighborhood.

For your Environment:

• As you walk through your
neighborhood, pick up any trash on the sidewalk or gutter.
• Put your shopping cart back in its appointed space in the
parking lot.
• Plant flowers and trees to beautify where you live
• Recycle your trash
• Practice “use it up, wear it out, make it do”

excerpts from
2012: Ascension, Rebirth & the Dimensional Shift

