As per Indian customs rule, baggage allowance has been raised to INR 35,000.00 per person. As per rule, this will be considered individually, i.e whether you are traveling alone or not, it will not have any effect on the duty. So depending upon the officers, you may or may not be required to pay the duty if you are traveling with your family. The duty is calculated as (VALUE OF GOODS in INR(INDIAN MARKET)- 35,000)*36.05%. ie. if you are taking a 50,000 goods value item, you will have to pay (50000-35000)*36.05% = 5407 rs as duty. This is the legal calculation. Also some officers do consider the invoice, so try to bargain with your invoice, if duty is imposed.
As per Indian customs rule, baggage allowance has been raised to INR 35,000.00 per person. As per rule, this will be considered individually, i.e whether you are traveling alone or not, it will not have any effect on the duty. So depending upon the officers, you may or may not be required to pay the duty if you are traveling with your family. The duty is calculated as (VALUE OF GOODS in INR(INDIAN MARKET)- 35,000)*36.05%. ie. if you are taking a 50,000 goods value item, you will have to pay (50000-35000)*36.05% = 5407 rs as duty. This is the legal calculation. Also some officers do consider the invoice, so try to bargain with your invoice, if duty is imposed.