and I don't know what is the reason behind such behavior :( One thing here my friend to add ... Why do you think the Muslims are different than others?

I'm one and finding myself sometimes in trouble as well ... The good and the bad are there ... Bad behavior got no religion ... it is an international phenomena that requires all of us to stand up and do something about it ... If I will go out of this region and was treated bad ... should I say it is because I'm Muslim?

Don't know but I believe that WE ALL are nothing but brothers or sisters or that is what we are supposed to be ... WE ALL belong to Adam and Eve so let's drop the religion and ethnics issues a side and focus on the main problem and why it is still happening up to now ...

What happened to her is just unfair and unacceptable and of course I will not support the manger because he is only Arabic or Muslim ... that would be plain stupid ... Will stand beside the justice and the woman who were abused for nothing :(


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)