Its very easy brother,If you finished all the attestation in India then you need only one stamp from Ministry of foreign affairs Qatar which is located in C ring road,If you are on C ring road and driving from Munthaza signal towards Najma intersection signal(Doha cinema signal) Before Najma intersection signal 200 mts before on right hand side you will find Ministry of external affairs certificate attestation building,Go there and get your certificate stamped,Then all the stamps are done..
Its very easy brother,If you finished all the attestation in India then you need only one stamp from Ministry of foreign affairs Qatar which is located in C ring road,If you are on C ring road and driving from Munthaza signal towards Najma intersection signal(Doha cinema signal) Before Najma intersection signal 200 mts before on right hand side you will find Ministry of external affairs certificate attestation building,Go there and get your certificate stamped,Then all the stamps are done..