
You have to cancel it for your family as well. You need to submit the cancellation form which should be in Arabic. You will find that form with any agents outside.

You have to submit the following documents:

1. RP cancellation form for each member that holds passport
1A. Two pictures per form.
2. Your passport copy
3. Your Qatar ID copy
4. Photocopy of your RP
5. Your family's passport copies (each member)
6. Your family's Qatar ID copies (each member)
7. Photocopy of your family's RPs (each member)

They may charge QR 20 per passport. Now it maybe done by your company or yourself.

You have to go to Immigration Department, Building # 2. Take a coupon for Personal Residency and wait for your turn. If you arrive there by 7.45am. You will be free in 30 minutes. If you want to find any agent, check for them at the petrol station which is on the road when you take turn for Immigration department.