Abu American I am talking about Abu Iyaad amjad rafiq who lives 3 hours from birmingham.
Your experience is yours alone and perhaps I would have found it different if I ever lived in birmingham Allahu Alim.
As for almost leaving Islam. I think it is very crass of you to judge another person in this regard. I have told you and everyone else my experiences because of the great problems and solutions I have found in them. If you find it easy to comprehend such things as child marriages, marrying underage children to men without their permission (fatwa of Imam baaz), and such things then that is completely up to you. I didn't join Islam to be one of the blind followers to this religion. And the actions of people like Amjad just push a person who is already struggling with these concepts away. You are very right that when I joined Islam it was based on the sugar coated version. Even my husband stumbled when I asked him hardcore questions under one of my interrogations. Yet here I am standing strong in the face of adversaries fighting for islamic truth. Sometimes I go wrong in that fight and sometimes Allah causes me to have correct wisdom.. Allahu Alim. One thing I do not do is change the religion in any way just to prove my point or make it more digestible. I face the collision head on and hope I survive the crash.
InshAllah sincerety will always win at the end of the day. Hence my great hope that if this religion is correct (which I believe it is) then others (like me) will also be strong enough to survive the crash as well.
Obviously I can see that your back to the whole pointing fingers and sounds alot like people who are against spubs. How do you know they are not saying some truths in some (obviously not all) their accusations? Is it not the salafi manhaj that we analyse ourselves and look for faults before finding it in others. Also, since were on the subject, I never listened to people or befriended anyone against salafiya during my staunch days and little crisis of identity. POINT BLANK!
It was only after recieving an unwelcome from Abu Khadeeja. And mainly because of a friend of his who burned him bad and backbit my husband for no islamic reason that we started to feel something was amiss. It was consolidated by Amjad's lack of brotherhood in the community. In which I lived here for 2 years and although they knew full well my husband married never bothered to even invite us for dinner at his house. In fact, I had to search out her number from a friend just to make contact or I would have known NO salafis in the community. In which they never offered me any other contacts either. And now you are accusing us of somehow going astray and deserving of such treatment??? For the sake of Allah open your mind a little and stop being so suspicious.
Just because you had a positive experience in birmingham does not mean that the lack of adaab is not rampant among spubs. And I can see what an impact they have had on you Abu American as you mix with non salafis. Something Amjad and his crew are staunchly against in every shape and form. Just being on this website would make you held up for scrutiny by them. And since the scholars we know about in Qatar are not of the Bilal Philips Ilk I almost assume you don't have any better communication with spubs either or you would already know about their whereabouts!
What I would be really interested in hearing is why, how and when you were helped out by the birmingham spub salafis. I bet a very interesting case and observations could be made based on your situation.
Abu American I am talking about Abu Iyaad amjad rafiq who lives 3 hours from birmingham.
Your experience is yours alone and perhaps I would have found it different if I ever lived in birmingham Allahu Alim.
As for almost leaving Islam. I think it is very crass of you to judge another person in this regard. I have told you and everyone else my experiences because of the great problems and solutions I have found in them. If you find it easy to comprehend such things as child marriages, marrying underage children to men without their permission (fatwa of Imam baaz), and such things then that is completely up to you. I didn't join Islam to be one of the blind followers to this religion. And the actions of people like Amjad just push a person who is already struggling with these concepts away. You are very right that when I joined Islam it was based on the sugar coated version. Even my husband stumbled when I asked him hardcore questions under one of my interrogations. Yet here I am standing strong in the face of adversaries fighting for islamic truth. Sometimes I go wrong in that fight and sometimes Allah causes me to have correct wisdom.. Allahu Alim. One thing I do not do is change the religion in any way just to prove my point or make it more digestible. I face the collision head on and hope I survive the crash.
InshAllah sincerety will always win at the end of the day. Hence my great hope that if this religion is correct (which I believe it is) then others (like me) will also be strong enough to survive the crash as well.
Obviously I can see that your back to the whole pointing fingers and sounds alot like people who are against spubs. How do you know they are not saying some truths in some (obviously not all) their accusations? Is it not the salafi manhaj that we analyse ourselves and look for faults before finding it in others. Also, since were on the subject, I never listened to people or befriended anyone against salafiya during my staunch days and little crisis of identity. POINT BLANK!
It was only after recieving an unwelcome from Abu Khadeeja. And mainly because of a friend of his who burned him bad and backbit my husband for no islamic reason that we started to feel something was amiss. It was consolidated by Amjad's lack of brotherhood in the community. In which I lived here for 2 years and although they knew full well my husband married never bothered to even invite us for dinner at his house. In fact, I had to search out her number from a friend just to make contact or I would have known NO salafis in the community. In which they never offered me any other contacts either. And now you are accusing us of somehow going astray and deserving of such treatment??? For the sake of Allah open your mind a little and stop being so suspicious.
Just because you had a positive experience in birmingham does not mean that the lack of adaab is not rampant among spubs. And I can see what an impact they have had on you Abu American as you mix with non salafis. Something Amjad and his crew are staunchly against in every shape and form. Just being on this website would make you held up for scrutiny by them. And since the scholars we know about in Qatar are not of the Bilal Philips Ilk I almost assume you don't have any better communication with spubs either or you would already know about their whereabouts!
What I would be really interested in hearing is why, how and when you were helped out by the birmingham spub salafis. I bet a very interesting case and observations could be made based on your situation.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi