f thats the case then why haven't you privately pmd me concerning the matter?


I am not trying to insult him much to abu americans perception that I am. I, like you, am trying to point out a problem that is inherant in the salafi dawah. Lack of adaab and brotherhood in their call to Islam!


This guy is a da'ee and therefore up for open scrutiny. And I am not character assinating him as a result but showing that he doesn't practice what he preaches!


I believe Islam is a religion of brotherhood and companionship. One muslim helping another muslim upon good. Hence the whole religion is about giving naseeha..


And the religion was passed between people through the actions of the muslims.


yet these are not what is happening these days with the da'ees here in the uk particularly. To break it down they have social barriers due to their cultural backgrounds that make it such a challange for them to change. And the attitude that we should just pack it in and strive is condescending. 

Sure we should strive and be firm in the challanges that face us.  It is just not always easy to do so when muslims are not helping each other upon good.

One example is that of the mormons.. My God.. they have a beautiful system of brotherhood within their community. They have a womens group that visits each other for child birth, shares used clothing, babysits each other kids, visits the sick, and helps their women folk even in daily chores. To top it all off they have a loads of aid supplies and are the first people on the scene of a crisis.. such as the tsunami.


What do our salafi people do? They decide to bury themselves in the house without contacting the outside world. Translate a few books and think this is the dawah. Far from it!


As I told you before pm I used to be a staunch salafi.. of Abu americans type. My husband even started a masjid in cambridge supported by Abu khadeeja. And you can find his book about the hajj recommended by many scholars. It was until I started noticing the problems within the spubs. The falsity and insular dawah. Not allowing anyone of knowledge to give talks or even talking to them like human beings... I.E. when they speak they give advice rather then listening to advice! Unless of course your a scholar who is well publicized that is. Having baby upon baby with absolutely no help from other people. Homeschooling our children without any contact with the outside world.

Not teaching people arabic in the community.

But the real icing on the cake was moving into the town where I live now. Which is full of backward villagy mirpuri pakistani salafees. Who refuse to mix outside their own families, have forced marriages and have the worst manners one has ever seen.  I swear by Allah we only moved here to be closer to Abu Iyaad and to enjoin each other on good. 


It was because of the lack of companionship and the hard to understand tenants of Islam, such as apostasy, that I almost left this faith. I live in the town that one of the utmost da'ees in the uk resides. And he does not leave any room to approach to even ask knowledge from yet can give talks and fly around the world teaching people. (and I am only one of many who feel the same way) What gives?


If it were not for my almost equally knowledgable husband and his friend who is more knowledgable then Abu Iyaad in Islam then I would not be a muslim today.

May I also add that the brother who has more knowledge then Abu Iyaad always has time and a phone call! Despite being just as busy if not busier with 6 children (one disabled) and an elderly father. Nor does he have a big family (whole village) to support him.  And he guides muslims in droves to Islam as a result of taking care of his own backyard and having circles. As well as translating and publishing books. (the only difference being that his family actually speaks arabic and understand Islam, then he gave circles to the community, then started to publish books).



Furthermore Abu Iyaad learned his arabic from a book.

Tells people not to study arabic at university yet refuses to teach himself.

Has many problems with his translations

Does not mix with the community at all!

his lectures are boring as he does not know how to give a talk (abu khadeeja is good at this) (and one should not give talks if this is the case)

His talks are reading from books which any person can do!

They are not difficult to understand unless a person lacks in knowledge or intellect

His wife does not talk about religion at all

I have seen a brothers house where amjad gives talks and the wife wears holes in her clothing. Where is the charity? Why does he not know how bad their condition is?


And also the school that was recently established and needed someone like Amjad to be the khalifa of the school!


Shall I go on!


I believe in the aqueedah these guys preach and the manhaj too. But I am well aware of their arrogance and problems pm.  And the fact that they refuse to take advice in order to establish a better brotherhood. The Prophet Mohammad was never so insular (and this is a very tribal problem taken from their respective cultures.)

If it were not for educated brothers like my husband who regularly give talks and have successfully helped to convert the ikwaanee brothers in my town (including family of Abu Iyaads) then we would have absolutely no one.  In fact, when I didn't have a place to stay it wasn 't Abu Iyaad my husband called but another pseudo salafi brother whose wife offered first thing to have me stay with her despite the hardships. As we already learned that the salafis are not dependable people after I had no other salafi to help me watch my daughter during my second birth and had to beg Abu iyaad and his wife to watch her. (despite how easy it was for them I might add)


I believe in this regard we could learn from the ikwaanees and educated muslims. Often ones who move to this country and have no family and realize that their friends are their family!


Am I a salafi? Not the kind you think I am! I am extremely open minded and willing to accept my own faults. And just as you once said that you advise those you love this same method applies to me.   And thank God for opening my eyes to the truth of my own faults inshAllah ameen.


Here is a blog by a brother who like many salafis before him felt the ill effects of lack of brotherhood. http://umarlee.com/category/rise-and-fall-of-salafi-movement/


Unlike these people I was blessed from Allah ar-razaaq to have some knowledgable people around me. To help clarify the matter. And, mostly, had to figure things out on my own. I could have left these people completely .. but I realized that in every generation part of knowledge is lost. And this is only a sign of the times we are in. 


The salafis are correct on most issues. However their adaab is seriously lacking.  And my IQ is extremely high. My mensa score was 159 and my husbands 155 pm. So I can and do read numerous books every day including the most recent turkish "reinvention" of hadeeth and take it all in based on my knowledge of salafiyaa.  And what I have found is that half of the da'ees really do not have alot of knowledge! Man they are seriously lacking and stopped challanging me about 1 year after I started learning from them.


So as you can see. I am really not judging these people. I am making clear observations based on their actions. Actions which I have realized are due to their imperfect nature not the religion they are calling too.  MashAllah they have alot of good within their works and are upon good and pure Islam. (the islam that can be textually proven that is).  I have read and my husband went to school with people like Sheikh Shuaib's son and even went on hajj with the family to know what they call to and based on the evidence have found them to be on clear error in their manhaj.  The salafis come from mainly uneducated (what some social scientists call working class) backgrounds and unfortunately this has seeped through in their dawah.  Whereas the more educated in the community are extremely different and better mannered. Even with regards greetings!   His friend also comes from an educated indian family and we have noticed a HUGE difference in brotherhood!  


And of course, remembering that everyone makes mistakes as well. And I have to agree on one issue being that the salafis find it hard to take naseeha just like the rest of us. I.e. particularly when mentioning that they are quick to judge (at times) and fail to meet the proper conditions around naseeha. As well as being very insular (another accusation by many other then me). And lack of support for their own muslim community. Hence as you will read one of the major reason, according to brother Umar's blog, is that many people left when they had no support in the community. Something pseudo salafi/ikwaanees were able to give!


And it always really confuses me how some people can see such problems and ignore them believing full well that Islam is meant for the kind hearted and caring of this ummah.


i.e. we should care of each other, our condition, and enjoin good! Just as the Prophet used to do! And strive when it hits us back in the face!


Hence the reasons I am writing this. Because I feel that removing a barrier in the road also has a blessing in it. We should write about the problems that many many salafis have faced and will face. And be prepared for what awaits them in this dawah and from the da'ee's.


p.s. sorry about jumping to and fro.. I have so much to say/ on my mind on this subject.












Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi