A few have asked to name some stocks, which they can accumulate. Stock prices is not always one way. when it reaches a level down, it becomes very attractive to buy at that level by many technical analysists, and big buy comes there. This assures you one that that it is unlikely to go donw below that level. Then these stocks to to a level of resistance and when it goes there, those who follow technical indicators, just sell the stocks at that level and the stock prices will come down at that level and it take more time for the stock to go beyond that level, and hence it becomes more wise to sell them at the level of resistance. With that same money, it is better to just invest them in some other stocks which are near the support levels so that it can be sold at an higher level. No stock is good, however big a company it is, when the sentiment turns bad. When market falls, it does not know which is a good stock or which is a bad stock. fall will be just secular, while rise will be stock specific. It is only those who accumulated stocks from 18000 level of BSE index, who were too greedy that they did not sell and the market just went to the level 21300 non stop, and when it fell it just fell down to 15000, making all these greedy accumulators to lose money. Actually they couldhave made big money. being too greedy they lost. So never accumulate stocks. sell them at resistance level. Understand clearly, that the limited purpose of buying a share is only to sell and make profit. It is just use and throw material. If interested to know more, or to discuss in confidentiality as some readers felt since these all are money matters, you can also mail me or come on my yahoo id [email protected] to know better.
A few have asked to name some stocks, which they can accumulate. Stock prices is not always one way. when it reaches a level down, it becomes very attractive to buy at that level by many technical analysists, and big buy comes there. This assures you one that that it is unlikely to go donw below that level. Then these stocks to to a level of resistance and when it goes there, those who follow technical indicators, just sell the stocks at that level and the stock prices will come down at that level and it take more time for the stock to go beyond that level, and hence it becomes more wise to sell them at the level of resistance. With that same money, it is better to just invest them in some other stocks which are near the support levels so that it can be sold at an higher level. No stock is good, however big a company it is, when the sentiment turns bad. When market falls, it does not know which is a good stock or which is a bad stock. fall will be just secular, while rise will be stock specific. It is only those who accumulated stocks from 18000 level of BSE index, who were too greedy that they did not sell and the market just went to the level 21300 non stop, and when it fell it just fell down to 15000, making all these greedy accumulators to lose money. Actually they couldhave made big money. being too greedy they lost. So never accumulate stocks. sell them at resistance level. Understand clearly, that the limited purpose of buying a share is only to sell and make profit. It is just use and throw material. If interested to know more, or to discuss in confidentiality as some readers felt since these all are money matters, you can also mail me or come on my yahoo id [email protected] to know better.