Mr. Paul,


the reasoning I have been answered with on one of my many interogations with scholars and those more knowledgable then me is the concept of Free Will.


The story reads that God created Angels who muslims believe did not have a choice in being obedient to him. When he created mankind the angels asked him why he created something that would cause bloodshed and hurt each other. And God said, I have knowledge that you do not have.


Later, this was explained to be because the fact that we believe and love God although we do not see him and obey him despite our preoccupation with this world is more beloved to him then the angel who has no choice but obedience. And when God commanded all the angels and jinn to bow down to humans they all obeyed accept Satan who rejected the command of God because of his arrogance. 


Now for Satan to see and acknowledge Gods glory and then to reject him is of the most heinous of sins.. hence the deepest part of hell fire is meant for him.


In order to give mankind Free Will God allows us to make our own decisions which is why we have the concept of punishment and reward. Because we must be responsible for our actions that we freely choose to do.

And the Quran states that affliction is only by what our own hands have earned. I.e. All the poverty, injustice in the world you see today is because of our own actions. Which God has promised he will be the swiftest in reward and perfect punishment for those who have caused such oppression.


He also makes it clear that we have the option to make this world a better place and that because we are weak and make mistakes he is willing to guide us to that which will be better in this life and the next.


It is said that he took every person out of Adams rib at the beginning of creation, allowed them to see his glory and asked them if they would like such a Holy challange and each and everyone of us accepted with the promise that we would not reject his Lordship. (in awe of his glory at this time).


In order to pass the test, He has also made this life full of hardships/ lessons for the believers which will increase them upon good and understanding and strengthen their resolve towards what is right.  And he has also promised to help those who ask it of him whether they be non muslims or muslims because when a person is oppressed and prays to him it is with perfect belief in his heart at that time.


Furthermore, those who have never had the right guidance will still be considered believers depending on their heart on the judgement day. And God knows best what is in our hearts.


And the person who has suffered the worst of this life will be dipped in Heaven and God will ask him if anything bad had happened to him in this world.

And the person will apply.. nothing bad has happened to me.


And he will dip the most pampered person in this life and he will say he had nothing of good in this life.


Another aspect we must remember when contemplating all of this is how fast life goes by. While we are suffering it can sometimes seem like life is going so slowly and the pain dragging on forever. But in reality life goes by so quickly. This life is just a short journey to our real destination which is in Allah's presence inshAllah ameen where we can experience his perfect love and happiness. That will never be existant in the persecuted and offended earth.


Sorry I have not explained this very well and jumping here and there. Just trying to put all I know and have learned on paper for you. I am probably not the best person to answer such questions. But I hope it gives you an idea of what Islam preaches. InshAllah ameen.


Anything which I have said that is wrong is from myself and anything right is from Allah ar-razaaq. May he forgive us and guide us to righteousness.







Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi