I think if you relooked at some of those religions one would find them sects from a religion that started with something similar to what you call "abrahamic" religions.  The fact is that we have very little evidence accept that these religions existed.


And it really is upon us to see the point of orgin of these religions came from very much like words in our vocabulary that change and adapt to a persons use of them throughout the years. In particular, one theory I have heard on hinduism is that it originated by jews who worshiped the cow under the leadership of moses to the promised land.


Yes you are right to point out that it does seem rather strange why particularly Zorastorian, Judaism, christianity, and Islam came from the same geographical area of the world and not anywhere else. And no other books are mentioned in the Quran as well.


This is a very good question and if I may I would like to ask a scholar what he thinks about this.  And my husband if he has any more knowledge then me in this area.





Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi