I Give you some breakdown(practical).

Single Person

Accommodation(Flat Sharing): 1600~2800QR
-1 room(furnish & unfurnished) with/without bath attached with free all expenses excluding food & drinking water.

Food: 500~800QR depends on your lifestyle.

Transportation: Min Fare(taxi: 10QR, Bus: 2QR) Depends on distance of ur flat to your office. Well its more intelligent & Practical to get Accommodation near at ur office.


Accommodation(Flat or villa): 4000QR~7000QR
-2~3 rooms 2 bath, kitchen, living, terrace, gym etc.
No Water, Elec, Cable, Internet/Tel Connection Yet.

Food: 1000QR beyond, depends on your lifestyle.

Transportation: Min Fare(taxi: 10QR, Bus: 2QR)

Hope this help.
