lol ragnarock


without hijacking this thread anymore.


May I just say Tongue out


Yes we do have both aspects you are very right.

We use the Quran as a guide to what is right and wrong because as you know not everyone human would agree with you on what is right and wrong.  So it only goes to show that the good existant from the beginning of time has not been practiced as it is only from our own hands that have caused the affliction. 


Religion, if nothing else, is a way of unifying a persons belief and by placing faith and the promise of paradise in their heart and this commits them to doing those natural acts of good inherited since the beginning of time.  


 All actions commanded in the Quran is in order to create a system of unity and agreement between the people in order to establish justice on earth. Not so that it will be perfect but better then before which would give the best possibility towards ensuring everyones rights (on earth)


So it is the execution and understanding of good that we differ. Not on the goal of that good or some aspects of it.


The other aspect, as you have mentioned, is that we believe a God exists and deserves all our worship. And it is the belief in him, what he has sent as guidance, and that all good comes from him that the promise of paradise refer too.




Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi