Charming: JBH Khashan QT RR R123 Greeker Jass Kat Azzi
Annoying: Realsom? Salax? Dark Side? Shibakizi (can't spell it)
Caring: DaRuDe Mila Gypsy PM CB
Controversial: PM Gypo Vasquez
Sexy: Mila
Active: Onix DaRuDe Jauntie Scarlett
Peak Physical Condition: R123 and RR
Charming: JBH Khashan QT RR R123 Greeker Jass Kat Azzi
Annoying: Realsom? Salax? Dark Side? Shibakizi (can't spell it)
Caring: DaRuDe Mila Gypsy PM CB
Controversial: PM Gypo Vasquez
Sexy: Mila
Active: Onix DaRuDe Jauntie Scarlett
Peak Physical Condition: R123 and RR