ok first of all lets put this in consideration...

Employes from west calculate in dollars, as in if they would earn as much or more than they were earning in europe or america or canada... the basic salaries for example of a guy working at a resturant is approx. 8 dollars an hour/40 hours a week... which sums upto around 1800 dollars a month, from which they pay taxes... so basically they earn a minimum of 5000 riyals. So if they come here they would expect atleast more than they were earning back home.


Where as in east, the basic salary is around 400 dollars a month in lebanon and around 5000 rupees in pakistan of an accountant or a teacher. which comes up to around 1500 riyals max... so even if they would earn upto around 1000 dollars a month, they appriciate it...


In conclusion, lets not get into the people who expect salaries, instead lets look at those who give salaries.  Now these people pick workers based on their budget. If its a low budget company they will give low salaries and they should do it for anyone around the world, not just pick indians or pakistanis or jordanians or lebanese... but also pick westerners and I do have a friend who is from the west and earns a low salary... the question is not about salaires or people from what part of the world get high or low salaries, but the nationalities and race... 


No human can stop racism.