3 part time jobs ?? How many hours do you work in a day !
Coming to your point .... I believe money plays a major role in anyone's life !
There is a quote: No Life Without Wife ... but I say No Wife Without Money ..
One point i do agree with you, that person should not involve himsel that much in earning money that he forgets about his family/ his health/ his friends and ofcourse the needy people ... if the money earned and not spend on these thing then there is no use of earning money in life
Coz no one gonna take money with him once his soul depart from his body ! soul carries your deeds to God not Money.
but to run a successful life and healthy family you need to have some source of income... so that the future for family is secure !
3 part time jobs ?? How many hours do you work in a day !
Coming to your point .... I believe money plays a major role in anyone's life !
There is a quote: No Life Without Wife ... but I say No Wife Without Money ..
One point i do agree with you, that person should not involve himsel that much in earning money that he forgets about his family/ his health/ his friends and ofcourse the needy people ... if the money earned and not spend on these thing then there is no use of earning money in life
Coz no one gonna take money with him once his soul depart from his body ! soul carries your deeds to God not Money.
but to run a successful life and healthy family you need to have some source of income... so that the future for family is secure !