3ds MAX and Autocad training courses.contact no: 70228911

Autocad courses
During learning Autocad , you will be able to learn Autocad exactly for your needs.
For example , if you are an Architect, your needs is diffrent wih a draftsman.
The draftsman need to many technical method for fast drawing , but you need Autocad as a design tool.
Maybe you want Autocad for pre 3D modeling and export your model to 3ds MAX for rendering .
Depends your need, I design a learning course for you.
The course explores the latest tools and techniques of the software package covering all draw commands and options, editing, dimensioning, hatching, and plotting techniques available with AutoCAD Training.
And you could learn Autocad faster than normal courses

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1458727#ixzz1rDFdeJ1O