all of you again today :) What can i say ... there are lots of nice moments there every time i would be with my QL Family ... some of those ... hmmmm? Let's see ...
Montee> Made his two friends go out of the boat to catch them later, but they were left alone as the boat made a move and poor Montee was trapped there ... called after maybe 10 minutes to check on them, been told that they are on their way home in a taxi while we were all around in the third boat :)
KSA> The moment of glory end when he went back to the beach, tried to jump out of the Jet-Ski and boooffff knocked the guy in front as well as the boat :) Don't ask me about the rest, the last moments of leaving the island were terrific :) Guess that was because of the sudden attack on Charan from KSA using the WWF style ... god .. even the glasses were broken KSA :)
Darude> Was roaming around looking for cool,nice dry people around to wet them in the water, knock them down and gangster stuff that all of we witnessed today :) ... what to say, he tasted his own medicine in the end and i had to drown myself along with him to make the missions succeeded in the end.
Khanan> The first victim that made everyone anxious about their feet, had to swim from the island to the boat and then again to the island to get some help to save this champ ...
Owen> She did not get extra clothes with her and that is why she was so afraid to get wet and were running and hiding here and there from all, finally ... the small kids did in the end what the elders could not and got her in the end :)
What else? Guess my mind is already tired and cant' think of any ... anyone got some nice moments to share here? :) The whole day was nice, but something that did draw your attention ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
all of you again today :) What can i say ... there are lots of nice moments there every time i would be with my QL Family ... some of those ... hmmmm? Let's see ...
Montee> Made his two friends go out of the boat to catch them later, but they were left alone as the boat made a move and poor Montee was trapped there ... called after maybe 10 minutes to check on them, been told that they are on their way home in a taxi while we were all around in the third boat :)
KSA> The moment of glory end when he went back to the beach, tried to jump out of the Jet-Ski and boooffff knocked the guy in front as well as the boat :) Don't ask me about the rest, the last moments of leaving the island were terrific :) Guess that was because of the sudden attack on Charan from KSA using the WWF style ... god .. even the glasses were broken KSA :)
Darude> Was roaming around looking for cool,nice dry people around to wet them in the water, knock them down and gangster stuff that all of we witnessed today :) ... what to say, he tasted his own medicine in the end and i had to drown myself along with him to make the missions succeeded in the end.
Khanan> The first victim that made everyone anxious about their feet, had to swim from the island to the boat and then again to the island to get some help to save this champ ...
Owen> She did not get extra clothes with her and that is why she was so afraid to get wet and were running and hiding here and there from all, finally ... the small kids did in the end what the elders could not and got her in the end :)
What else? Guess my mind is already tired and cant' think of any ... anyone got some nice moments to share here? :) The whole day was nice, but something that did draw your attention ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)