to tell ... as everyone got his own perspectives and look to the other people. What is perfect for me would never be applicable to the others, what the others love to see in their partners may not be what I would love to see in my partner.
Well thexonic I do agree with you in that love is blind but not stupid. You won't see anyone in front of you but her, you would be breathing the air when she is only around you will feel the opposite if she would be far away even for quiet some time, you would feel the pain when she is gone, you will feel so lonely and sad being again by yourself, not for being alone, but for knowing that you somehow lost something, wasted your and maybe her time working on something that won't work ...
but ... regardless of all of that and there is of course more, if she will ask you to throw yourself out of a high place or drown yourself in the middle of the sea ... Of course you won't, why? Mind there still working regardless of bein in love ...
Love is not stupid, love won't make us be stupid as there is no stupidity in love ... while you are in love ... everything looks fine ... but , when everything is taken away .. other things will come back to you ... back then .. you would understand and see your life so different ...
Reason? You would be always looking back, never forget the past and that is why the past is useful but not nice ... would always be there to guide you, but not to make you always happy ..
Love would make you do anything no matter what is it ... those things
were not stupid when you did it back then, but now you realize or feel
that you've done those for nothing ... that is when you feel that you
were not suppose to be like that or do any of that ...
Talking about this is really heart breaking, but ... sometimes we gotta face our fears, wipe our tears, put emotions a side and ... think of everything again and again ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
to tell ... as everyone got his own perspectives and look to the other people. What is perfect for me would never be applicable to the others, what the others love to see in their partners may not be what I would love to see in my partner.
Well thexonic I do agree with you in that love is blind but not stupid. You won't see anyone in front of you but her, you would be breathing the air when she is only around you will feel the opposite if she would be far away even for quiet some time, you would feel the pain when she is gone, you will feel so lonely and sad being again by yourself, not for being alone, but for knowing that you somehow lost something, wasted your and maybe her time working on something that won't work ...
but ... regardless of all of that and there is of course more, if she will ask you to throw yourself out of a high place or drown yourself in the middle of the sea ... Of course you won't, why? Mind there still working regardless of bein in love ...
Love is not stupid, love won't make us be stupid as there is no stupidity in love ... while you are in love ... everything looks fine ... but , when everything is taken away .. other things will come back to you ... back then .. you would understand and see your life so different ...
Reason? You would be always looking back, never forget the past and that is why the past is useful but not nice ... would always be there to guide you, but not to make you always happy ..
Love would make you do anything no matter what is it ... those things
were not stupid when you did it back then, but now you realize or feel
that you've done those for nothing ... that is when you feel that you
were not suppose to be like that or do any of that ...
Talking about this is really heart breaking, but ... sometimes we gotta face our fears, wipe our tears, put emotions a side and ... think of everything again and again ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)