Thank you Xena for bringing this sort of thing to everyones attention.
To everyone - the volunteers at Qatar Pets/QAWS (including Xena) do an amazing job with very limited resources and need all the help they can get, so please don't be afraid to contact them and offer your services and/or resources.
And if you're seriously thinking about getting a pet then they are the people to get one from. There are some lovely animals there who would have met the same fate as the dog in this story if QAWS hadn't stepped in. And after one visit you'll have fallen in love with at least one of them. Trust me, I know!
Thank you Xena for bringing this sort of thing to everyones attention.
To everyone - the volunteers at Qatar Pets/QAWS (including Xena) do an amazing job with very limited resources and need all the help they can get, so please don't be afraid to contact them and offer your services and/or resources.
And if you're seriously thinking about getting a pet then they are the people to get one from. There are some lovely animals there who would have met the same fate as the dog in this story if QAWS hadn't stepped in. And after one visit you'll have fallen in love with at least one of them. Trust me, I know!