Dear QL Member, I have to respond to your thread as I feel we must be parents of a different DESS! My 2 children attended DESS (now moved on to secondary school)but they both had a fantastic education & enjoyed going to school, I still have friends with children at the school, who are also very happy.
All of the staff were always sincere & approachable, especially the registrar who was invaluable when moving to Doha & registering our children at the school, providing not only help with registration, but advice on being new to Qatar.
I cant help feeling that maybe you are really unhappy with something and you should approach the school and talk to them about it. If there was ever anything bothering me or my children, we were always able to approach the teacher, heads of year and even headteacher, it may not be the answer I always wanted! but staff couldn't have been more supportive.
It is one of the happiest schools in Doha.
Dear QL Member, I have to respond to your thread as I feel we must be parents of a different DESS! My 2 children attended DESS (now moved on to secondary school)but they both had a fantastic education & enjoyed going to school, I still have friends with children at the school, who are also very happy.
All of the staff were always sincere & approachable, especially the registrar who was invaluable when moving to Doha & registering our children at the school, providing not only help with registration, but advice on being new to Qatar.
I cant help feeling that maybe you are really unhappy with something and you should approach the school and talk to them about it. If there was ever anything bothering me or my children, we were always able to approach the teacher, heads of year and even headteacher, it may not be the answer I always wanted! but staff couldn't have been more supportive.
It is one of the happiest schools in Doha.