And a whole lot of double standards that is a result of the people actually leaving Islam rather than following the religion.
Because rather then focusing on ways to ensure all these rights, muslim women, are solving the problems which is not based on Islam.
These women are upset because of the standards imposed on them but not their male counterparts. And that is hypocritical. Rather if those male counterparts enjoy such priviledges then it also warrants extra responsibilities which ensure the rights of women.
however, rather then fighting for this support women are instead taking off their hijabs in protest to an ideology that they think is oppressing them. How can a piece of cloth oppress them?
mmm it sounds like alot of recitfiable issues.
And a whole lot of double standards that is a result of the people actually leaving Islam rather than following the religion.
Because rather then focusing on ways to ensure all these rights, muslim women, are solving the problems which is not based on Islam.
These women are upset because of the standards imposed on them but not their male counterparts. And that is hypocritical. Rather if those male counterparts enjoy such priviledges then it also warrants extra responsibilities which ensure the rights of women.
however, rather then fighting for this support women are instead taking off their hijabs in protest to an ideology that they think is oppressing them. How can a piece of cloth oppress them?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi