Eco savvy..


being an easterner i am sure you can understand why she stays. Family pressure.. pressure from society, fear that she will not be able to survive without her husband..


Yes i agree she should stand up for herself... But I will also not judge her as we don't know her situation.


The world is a pretty evil place and although loads of people have shown compassion with their words how many would take this lady in their home, put her through therapy and help get her life back in order. And then take on the responsibility should she face challanges as a result of her decisions in the future? (as she may have to give up her family in order to leave)


And that is why I need my tawakkul in Allah. Because I trust and believe that he will guide me to that which is better.


But at the end of the day that is based on faith!


Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi