That's soo true. Talking of which, last time they had this thing about denmark. People protested and were on boycott for about a week or two and then they moved back to their daily lives, even in the gulf. One more thing that pisses me off is first of all why do they blame the whole country for what 1 person did and secondly if u want to boycott something then do it forever... not just pretend and show for a week and then go back to ur normal routine. Ah nevermind all this Alexa, all this time that we discuss such things, there are alot of people dying in iraq or in kashmir or in palestine, this thing wont effect anyone.
That's soo true. Talking of which, last time they had this thing about denmark. People protested and were on boycott for about a week or two and then they moved back to their daily lives, even in the gulf. One more thing that pisses me off is first of all why do they blame the whole country for what 1 person did and secondly if u want to boycott something then do it forever... not just pretend and show for a week and then go back to ur normal routine. Ah nevermind all this Alexa, all this time that we discuss such things, there are alot of people dying in iraq or in kashmir or in palestine, this thing wont effect anyone.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it."