MIS, EMS, Chouefat and Cambridge are at very low standards now. Their fees are cheaper but, the quality is no good, they used to have high standards until 2001 - 2002... not anymore.

ASD is only for Canadians or Americans or those with Canadian or american citizenship. But its one of the best schools. Fee as far as I know for grade 11 it was around 40,000 QR per year.

Qatar Academy is one of the best schools  too without discrimination. around 40,000 - 50,000 QR / year.

Al Jazeera Academy is great too. Dont know about fee.

Doha College and QIS are average schools. Their fee's are between 25,000 to 40,000 / year.  




"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance

even to the hand that crushes it."