

The problem with the world and democracy is that it is governed by human intellect that places ourselves above God as our guide. It will never be perfect because of our deficient intellect. Which is why we need God to tell us do's and dont's because he has no deficiencies.


We are just making the same mistakes over and over again in the world. The only thing that is improving is technology. What our progress does is misdirect us to yet another problem that needs solving without curing the first problem. (an example would be child custody where men have little chance to see their children and women are not able to do it all on their own! Islam cures this problem by demanding men to take care of their kids whilst giving the right of custody to the mother in early years and then further gives the right of the child to decide once they reach a good age! All the while protecting the children from harm of the parents. And protecting the parents from the loss of their child and divorce is never easy).



if we look at your ideas of the west we can see that the system is not working nor is it actually making life better. For instance, statistics aside how many of us westerners know a friend who has been raped or molested. how many of us ourselves have judged other people based on their outward appearance and actions (that did not truly reflect their intentions or person inside)? Or did not befriend a person because others did not like her/him and you did not like to be the oddball out?  How difficult is it to find a successful husband these days without having some refined social skills or being a size 8? (At least it was in California last time I checked). Why is it that America has so many homeless people? What is the real affect of alcohol on our society? Interest, did you know for every person who takes a mortgage 10 people must become homeless as this is the nature of an inferior monetary system? From the judicial laws to how people clean themselves without water Islam has given us the best advice for all times.


the fact is that both men and women need protection from ourselves. We our own worst enemy, selfish and harmful to anyone who stands in front of our desires without realizing it. Or distrustful of anyone who does not fit into our illusion of what we call reality. I do it, you do and so does everyone else.


Islam protects the rights of both men and women based on human nature. A nature that the west has yet to recognize or admit is part of us. This is why the quran says that they are deaf, dumb and blind because we only harm ourselves and do not realize our own deficiencies.


And that includes the muslim who becomes deaf dumb and blind as well on certain issues!


It is very typical to look at one part of Islam and say it is oppressive. When in fact it is liberating us from our selves. Islam has condoned a women working and made means for her to do so as well as protect her (with no one having an excuse should they harm her) from unwarranted attention that could cause her or others(including those who judge her based on appearance.. designer clothing) to become distracted from the true purpose in life: Which is to make all worship for Allah and act upon that! Islam makes the life as easy as it can possibly can become. It is not meant to get rid of the all the trials in life but that is part of the test we have chosen according to the Quran.


However, Islam can improve our condition to the best it will ever be in this world. It will protect as well as ensure that the rights of all mankind are given (to best degree this can be accomplished). And men also have restrictions different but equal to that of the women!





Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi