See here's the thing. The 2mb adsl connection costs 400 riyals a month where as 512 costs 200... There is no such thing as bribes so he's lying about that part. No one in Qatar accepts bribes. 

If u want to upgrade the dsl to 2mb u need the landlord's permission or signature, cuz the line belongs to the land lord not your neighbour. 3g connection is not a good choice for xbox live. Neither is 512 mb, halo 3 doesnt work with me, but i can play burnout paradise easily. It would be good to have 2 mb connection.

By the way, the land line costs about 100 riyals for 3 months rental. Local calls are free, calls on cellphones are to be paid by the minute.  



"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance

even to the hand that crushes it."